

QQ截圖20230331133629ABF Process application
Desmear ABF
◆ Desmear ABF series is a advance desmear process for high-end IC substrate with Semi-Additive Proecss(SAP)
◆ Excellent micro roughness on ABF materials for Supreme good adhesion with the  electorless copper and plating copper.
Electroless Copper ABF
◆ Special design for high-end IC substrates under SAP and MSAP application
High throwing power
Excellent coverage and adhesion on ABF material
Low internal stress deposition
Environmentally friendly composition, EDTA free,cyanide free
High peel strength under low Ra material
High Purity copper depositionwith low resistivity, good for via filling performance.
After Desmear Prodess (GL-102)
After Electroless Cu Process (GL-102)

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